PS consolidation & spares
•Cooling & Ventilation (EN-CV)
Warm water piping in the PS tunnel [1548307]
PS main magnet cooling [1548282]
PS Central building [1548269]
•Electrical Network(EN-EL)
Cable clean up PS complex [1309230]
Consolidation of LV electrical network
•Power Converters (TE-EPC)
Replacement of obsolete HVPS for the RF C40-80MHz [1547738]
Replacement of obsolete PC of the TT2 line [1547737]
Replacement of obsolete PC, complement to LIU upgrade [1548255]
Replacement of obsolete PC of the transfer line [1547723]
•Beam Transfer (TE-ABT)
Renew resonant charging system D.C. power supplies [1556028]
Modernise septa & kickers electronics & controls (inc. ACCOR) [1556050] (latest information: major part delayed to after LS2)
•Magnets (TE-MSC)
Refurbishment of main magnets with new Pole Face Windings (44 magnets) [1545117]
Refurbishment of TT2 quadrupole magnets (43) [1545128]
Procurement of new PFW for main magnets (80) [1545135]
•Vacuum (TE-VSC)
Replacement of fixed pumping groups [1555524]
Magnet consolidation - flanges, chambers, IS [1555527]
•Controls (BE-CO)
Renovation of GMT distribution (repeaters & cabling) [1554757]
•Radio Frequency (BE-RF)
RF cavities (HV power converters, 10MHz amplifiers & interlock) [1551919]
•Site engineering (SMB-SE)
studies & works – surface [1549102]
Note: collaboration LIU & ATS Consolidation Program